As September unfolds, a series of influential environmental conferences and events are set to take place, bringing together experts, professionals, and enthusiasts to address pressing issues and drive sustainable solutions. Here’s a roundup of key events you should mark on your calendar:

1. Conference on Integrated Earth (CITE)-2024


Date: September 1-2, 2024

Location: IISER Pune

Overview: This national conference provides a crucial platform for exploring and discussing the complex Earth system through a multidisciplinary approach. With a focus on integrating multi-scale data and processes, the event will feature both oral and poster presentations on various aspects of Earth science. Attendees will gain a comprehensive view of current research and future directions, fostering collaboration among scientists, researchers, and students from the Earth and Climate Science community. The objective of CITE-2024 is to advance knowledge in Earth system science and encourage cross-disciplinary collaboration. For more information, visit the CITE-2024 Details page.

2. IPCC 2024: Industrial Pollution Control Congress

Date: September 2, 2024

Location: New Delhi, India

Overview: The Industrial Pollution Control Congress (IPCC) 2024, scheduled for September 2, 2024, will address the critical issues of industrial pollution and its effects on sustainable development. Given India’s significant pollution challenges, this event aims to bring together industry leaders, environmental consultancies, academic experts, and government representatives to explore innovative solutions and collaborative strategies. The congress will feature sessions on integrated planning, science-based evidence, and technological advancements in managing air and water quality, as well as waste. The primary objective of IPCC 2024 is to promote cross-sector collaboration and advance strategies for reducing industrial pollution. Participants will include industry experts, environmentalists, policymakers, and technology providers. For more details and to register, visit the IPCC 2024 Registration page.

3. Ladakh Climate Change Scenario & Environmental Sustainability

Date: September 12, 2024

Location: Leh Campus, Taruthang

Overview: The event will be focusing on critical themes related to climate change and environmental sustainability in the region. This event will address the impacts of climate change, including mitigation, resilience, and adaptation strategies specific to Ladakh’s unique environment. Key topics will include the effects of climate change on the cryosphere and diosphere, as well as strategies for disaster risk reduction related to extreme events. The event will also explore sustainable development practices tailored to mountain regions. This gathering aims to enhance understanding and collaboration on climate resilience and environmental sustainability in Ladakh.

4. 6th International Conference on Sustainable Education (ICSE) 2024

Conference 2024

Date: September 19-20, 2024

Location: India Habitat Centre, New Delhi

Overview: The event will center on the theme “Greening Education for a Sustainable Future.” This conference aims to explore how educational systems can incorporate sustainability principles to better prepare future generations for environmental challenges. Key discussions will focus on integrating sustainability into curricula and fostering environmental stewardship among students. The objective of ICSE 2024 is to advance the integration of sustainability within educational practices and policies, with participants including educators, policymakers, and sustainability experts. For more details, visit the ICSE 2024 Details page.

5. 10th International Conference on Recent Advances in Agriculture, Engineering, Applied & Life Sciences for Environmental Sustainability

Date: September 20

Location: Dehradun, Uttarakhand

Overview: The event will focus on recent advancements and interdisciplinary approaches aimed at enhancing environmental sustainability. This conference will offer a platform for sharing innovative research, discussing practical solutions, and exploring new applications in agriculture, engineering, and life sciences. Its objective is to present and discuss significant advancements across these fields to support environmental sustainability. Participants will include researchers, engineers, and professionals from these sectors. For more information, visit the Conference Details page.

As we look ahead to these significant events in September 2024, it’s clear that the global community is united in addressing the critical challenges facing our environment. Whether through exploring the Earth’s systems, tackling industrial pollution, or integrating sustainability into education, each of these conferences represents a step toward a more sustainable future.

To help you stay informed and engaged, you can now download your Biodiversity Calendar below and keep track of these and other important events dedicated to environmental sustainability.